Pure. Fresh. Local

We believe in providing our local community with the highest quality garden produce grown in an ethical and sustainable way.

Our primary way of implementing this philosophy is by partnering with you, our valued customers, restaurants and small businesses, through our Community Supported Agriculture Program. Each order you receive is grown exclusively on Rockyosa Farm.

You may be asking, ‘What is CSA, exactly?’.

Community Supported Agriculture
, or CSA, directly connects consumers and producers to help create a more sustainable and transparent local food system. You receive a weekly box of produce during each variety type's in-season harvest schedule.

Consumers experience many benefits when choosing to partner with a local CSA:

  • High quality, fresh, nutritious food: Rockyosa produce is harvested within hours of delivery, meaning produce retains more nutritional value and stays fresher longer. Refrigeration, transportation and over-handling of product often alters the freshness as well as removing the rich taste of quality produce. You know the difference immediately upon trying it!
  • A direct connection to local producers: Consumers can directly ask us about our responsible growing practices and make choices to purchase from farmers that align with their values.
  • Introduction to new varieties: CSA offers what is plentiful and in season, which is a great way to get introduced to new crops you might not have tasted otherwise.
  • Join a community: Becoming a part of our CSA program not only gives you top quality vegetables in-season but also connects you to likeminded consumers and allows you to participate in a more localized food system. This includes the opportunity to participate in on-farm events for a farm’s “community” members. We look forward to hosting you at an event on Rockyosa Farm!

We are excited to continue serving Clive and our surrounding communities in 2023 as your local produce growers! Won't you partner with us this season?

Produce is our passion. We know you'll enjoy the difference.

*Modified excerpt from: 'Benefits of Community Supported Agriculture' Abigail Harper, Michigan State University Ext. - February, 20, 2020