Our business is family run.

Partner with a local family farm for your fresh produce!

Rockyosa Produce operates on Rockyosa Farm, 7 minutes northeast of Clive, Alberta.

Darcie is our farmer and grower with a natural love for animals and the outdoors. You’ll likely find her out in the fields where her passion for growing high quality produce is best expressed!

Paul is our community networking and sales expert. His passion for making connections with people is a great asset. We need a people-person like him to help get us off the farm!

Delyn is the all around inventor and handyman at Rockyosa Farm. If there’s a problem that needs to be solved or a project which needs to become a reality, he’s best for the job.

Betty keeps Rockyosa Farm looking neat and tidy! She helps with meals, childcare and is an amazing produce picker!
She keeps a sharp eye out to make sure Rockyosa Farm is always looking its best.

We are so grateful to all of the other unnamed family that comes through for us every year to help make this business a success. Thank you!